
Tuesday, June 21, 2005

"pretty big church!"

Drove by a field the other day with Micheal in the car. He's Mary's grandson, and a cutie at that. Like I was saying, we drove by this field, and Micheal piped up, "if there was a church in that field...." I interrupted, "it'd be a pretty big church!" Then I wondered, what was he about to say? My niece and nephew had asked their dad about what happens when motorcycles get in accidents, if there would be a big fire or not, and later that week there was an accident in that very same spot involving a I asked Michael to repeat what he was about to say...."it'd be a pretty big church"...nuts. Now I'm curious as to what he was really going to say. Did I put words in his mouth? Sometimes I think kids can hear God better than we can. Maybe we should mark off that field and see what's the next thing to get developed on that land!...Who knows, could be a church!


At 10:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thinking outside the box - the simplicity of a child! Wouldn't that be great, to have a church in a field - or on your front lawn, in your neighbour's kitchen, or on the street corner! Church is wherever you are, and the gospel has no barriers - you carry both in your heart, evidenced in your lives, lived out in your actions. A church in a field? Why not!

At 6:37 AM, Blogger Seeker of The Light said...

You betcha- mark off that field and notice what God does there! God speaks through our kids- powerfully.


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