
Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Let me introduce you...

My friend and warrior Clarice came up with the same question that's been nagging me since I moved in to Bangor...."In big cities, there are people standing with signs asking for food or money, but here we don't have that. The only place I can think of here in Bangor is the soup kitchens. I don't know where else to go." So that's what she does. She goes where she knows she is needed, and visits the people she knows need visitors....and you can never leave Clarice without a word of prayer! She will stop you in your tracks in order to pray with you or for you or for some situation that needs a solution. She is a true soldier in the Salvation Army, busting her butt to see people drawn to the LORD.

It's true. The gospel tells us to feed the hungry, to clothe the naked, to be a friend to the lonely...but where are they? Where do you start?

Who do you know who is lonely?
Who do you know who is sick?
Who do you know who is hurting?

You may only think of one person, but that person may be the one person Jesus wants YOU to reach out to that no one else knows exists....So, who are they? Where are they? What can YOU do to help? Start with prayer, then when you know the answer, go ahead and DO IT!!


At 10:53 PM, Blogger Rebekah Dooley said...

miss you and love you. You are great and doing a wonderful job in banghor maine :D keep it up my friend


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