
Sunday, October 16, 2005

So, friends and avid readers, I have left you high and dry once again. My apologies. I'm still home, but will be moving to Bangor on the 29th, just in time for some fall fooseball and 'Merican turkeys. This week I was able to spend nearly four full days with my niece and nephew, which was awesome. They're great.
I'm learning the differences (finally) between different ages/stages of development in young people. My nephew, Owen, is a homebody. He likes his routine, and he likes his home, and he doesn't like to change things around very much.
My niece, Taylor, is a bit more easy going and flexible when it comes to changing things up a bit, especially if it involves something with Gramma, or food, or fun. THen I remember my days at the Youth Hostel, and think about how it was a sort of parentless zone, but safe still.
They way I figure it (or at least the way I figured it while watching the kids playing in the playground while hoards of parents watched on like guardians) is that kids like to stay in a safe place, while teens are usually looking for a cool place to hang out and be seen as an individual. It all comes back to love, though. If a person is loved in a pure way, they always feel secure no matter what they're facing. Like the song, "Leaning, Leaning, safe and secure from all alarms....Leaning on the Everlasting Arms" Good thing when you've got Jesus you know you can't go very far, because He's always with you, loving you and holding you! Grace.


At 6:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good to see you blogging again. Family is a wonderful thing - whether it is your biological family members, or dear friends and aquaintances. You are certainly part of my family and I treasure that dearly.


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