
Wednesday, August 30, 2006

The Exorcisim of Emily Rose The movie perspective of A and A

so once upon a time Aurora and Alberta watched the Exorcisim of EMily Rose together In Albertas dorm room. Underline dorm room....the weirdness of that...Good thing Alberta has JEsus In her!

Good movie. Asks a lot of questions about faith and demons and such. Then the A team decided to archive the Burr blog to see what were the goings on in HIS head after watching the movie almost a year ago....not because They think he's God or anything, but They do esteem his opinion as there Major Capitano at the corps here in Bangor, especially with the whole kicking-out-demons-business that he does so well.

Yes Alberta adds in a thats hot randomly...It is kind of intense that the girl is the defendent person for the Father, when shes all "I don't know" So Alberta reports of admitting to inkleings of fear caused from the movie. She says that its weird that she had simularities with Emily Rose. (age, school, leaving mom) Crazy she says crazy. But tells that she is glad she has Jesus in her forreal.

Yes, we all know Alberta has Jesus in her, as do Aurora, so they both got JC and ain't 'faraida-no ghosts (theme music, please!)or demons, because greater is Jesus in me than the demons that are in the world. Don't give the devil a foothold, and don't let fear in ever. That's the lesson from Emily Rose and Atrebla and Arorua. End of class.

yea and the Authors of this post is unknown due to mass circulation in blog world, and overwhleming exhaustion of the thought of how many comments will be pouring in!

your mom


Wednesday, August 23, 2006

What are we doing, Church?

It seems I don't blog much lately.
But here's a few that have got me thinking lately, for totally different reasons.
Feel free to check them your own risk, or course!

priorities commentary

Belief in Action

Where Are you, LORD?

Hey....we had a camp out this weekend, but it rained, and everyone was soaked...we still put up the tents, but the girls ended up sleeping in the van....I never thought I'd be one to sell out like that, but it was fun, anyway! There were four girls and four 'leaders', so a small group, and waking up and packing up in the rain wasn't all that fun. We played a game called "urban myth" that was pretty cool. There's a whole stack of cards with crazy factoids on them, and everyone has to vote whether the stories are 'true' or 'myth'. If you vote right, and your marker is on the same category square as the card that was read, you get the card which has a letter on the back. The winner of the game has to spell either "true" or "myth" with the cards they collect, and be the first one to do it. It turned out to be pretty cool!

As for my rations, I've been going through the book of Ezekiel. It seems God is pretty tough on idolatry, much more than we generally give Him credit for. We spend a lot of time on God's love and forgiveness, but not a whole lot on the seriousness of sin, or on living at a holy standard...There's been a lot of words for Bangor corps, about a revival coming AFTER the people return to the LORD and repent, but as for what specifically needs to happen or how, no one seems to have that piece. I think it has to do with seeing eachother as God sees us, and not weighing ourselves against who we think we should be, or what the media tells us we should be.

Major Frank Kirk preached last Sunday here, to send off his son and daughter-in-law to training college. He gave us scripture from 1 Samuel 17:3-11, 16, 52 from the story of David and Goliath, and was preaching on 'a soldier's responsibility'...the end point being that battles aren't won from the hilltops, but in engaging with the enemy. Oh man, what a good point, yeah?

The Philistines and the Isrealites were at war, and for 40 days, they stood on opposite sides of the battlefield while Goliath shouted over taunts at the Isrealites. Nothing happened until one kid stood up and took the challenge of the fight, conquered the giant, and the end of the story shows the entire Isrealite army chasing down the Philistines and plundering their camp. Again, the major point? "Battles aren't won by calling names from the hilltops, but in engaging with the enemy"

oh yeah....that's good stuff!

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Here's a question for might look long-winded, but I'm simply trying to put some thoughts together. First, a story:

Ezekiel was a prophet of God, yeah?
He was basically a regular guy, who heard the voice of God tell him to talk to Israel about how they weren't living up to what God had called them to.
So God gives him this huge master plan, tells him to go to these people and talk to them, and not to care whether they listen or not, but to talk to them anyway.
Then he makes him silent for a long time.

What's the deal?

Why would God tell someone to speak up, and then make it so they have absolutely nothing to say, and spend most of their time shut up in their room tied with ropes?

There seems to be something character-building in solitude that we (or I, at least) don't understand, and don't get. Or at least, I 'get it' (tapping on my noggin) but I don't really 'get it' (in my heart)....I know my perspective is different than God's, but sometimes I get so impatient learning to wait and listen, and in the meantime feel somewhat useless. So, what's your take? Do you get any solitude in your life? If you take joy in solitude, please share! For me it is a discipline that I am struggling with.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Monday we had a group of 16 of us head out to Peak's Kenny from the Teen Centre. We went to the lake, learned a little Windsurfing, went on a bit of woodsy exploration...good times, and a very long, enjoyable day.

Yesterday after cell I spent some time visiting the Mackays, and realized I hadn't spent much time over there since moving into my own place...I tend to forget these things!

Today, got into a hot-topic discussion with some guys from the soup kitchen. These guys understand much better than some of us churchy-types about the spirit of Christianity.

Tomorrow I'm heading out with Mary's 'Kids of Summer' on their trip to Fort's really much nicer to be able to minister as a team, than to feel the weight of every activity at the corps hanging on one person's shoulders! We all have a role to play as the Body of Christ.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

I'm still here. much good God stuff happening. will write more soon....heading to a farewell cookout and must buy cheese! adios!


So, I'm trying to figure out how to talk about what happened with me on Sunday.
I cried.
I hid in the bathroom until the service was over.
I prayed with some friends (or rather, they prayed for me....I was too busy bawling and snotting over everything)
We fought the lies of the enemy with promises from Scripture.
I got really hot. (Every inch of my body was covered in sweat)
Acacia said it was the Fire of the LORD burning up the chaff.
We ate lunch at 2:30pm.

Where the Spirit of the LORD is, There is freedom!....

Friday, August 04, 2006

Apostles and Ambassadors

According to Commissioner Phil Needham, all christians "are called to be apostolate"...but what does that mean, exactly?
When we toss around big spiritual lingo, do we know what we're saying?

Definition of an Apostle:
"Someone sent to represent another; in the New Testament, someone who had seen Jesus and been comissioned by Him to teach others about Him"

Main Entry: apos·tle
Pronunciation: &-'pä-s&l
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French & Old English; Anglo-French apostle & Old English apostol, both from Late Latin apostolus, from Greek apostolos, from apostellein to send away, from apo- + stellein to send
1 : one sent on a mission: as a : one of an authoritative New Testament group sent out to preach the gospel and made up especially of Christ's 12 original disciples and Paul b : the first prominent Christian missionary to a region or group
2 a : a person who initiates a great moral reform or who first advocates an important belief or system

hmm....sounds a lot like what an ambassador would do...

Main Entry: am·bas·sa·dor
1 : an official envoy; especially : a diplomatic agent of the highest rank accredited to a foreign government or sovereign as the resident representative of his or her own government or sovereign or appointed for a special and often temporary diplomatic assignment
2 a : an authorized representative or messenger b : an unofficial representative, checking a thesaurus, we find a number of words

Entry Word: ambassador
Function: noun
Text: a person sent on a mission to represent another (a beloved entertainer who has often been sent abroad by the president as his country's goodwill ambassador)
Synonyms delegate, emissary, envoy, minister, legate, representative
Related Words agent, attaché, consul, deputy, diplomat, foreign minister, nuncio, procurator, proxy; apostle, evangelist, missionary; deputation, detachment, legation; courier, messenger; mouthpiece, spokesperson

Entry Word: exponent
Function: noun
Text: a person who actively supports or favors a cause
Synonyms advocate, apostle, backer, booster, champion, friend, promoter, proponent, supporter
Related Words loyalist, partisan, stalwart; adherent, cohort, disciple, follower; expounder, interpreter; cheerleader
Near Antonyms enemy, foe, rival; belittler, critic, faultfinder
Antonyms adversary, antagonist, opponent

Thursday, August 03, 2006

I went for a walk last night. Part of the training for the weekend to end Breast Cancer. I checked how my fundraising is going so far, and still not even at $300 yet. That means I still have $1,700 to raise in four weeks. I don't like to be a quitter, but this is sure looking like a possibility.
Maybe I'll walk 60k from here for free. I don't know.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Thanks for the comments.
And phone calls.