
Thursday, August 17, 2006

Here's a question for might look long-winded, but I'm simply trying to put some thoughts together. First, a story:

Ezekiel was a prophet of God, yeah?
He was basically a regular guy, who heard the voice of God tell him to talk to Israel about how they weren't living up to what God had called them to.
So God gives him this huge master plan, tells him to go to these people and talk to them, and not to care whether they listen or not, but to talk to them anyway.
Then he makes him silent for a long time.

What's the deal?

Why would God tell someone to speak up, and then make it so they have absolutely nothing to say, and spend most of their time shut up in their room tied with ropes?

There seems to be something character-building in solitude that we (or I, at least) don't understand, and don't get. Or at least, I 'get it' (tapping on my noggin) but I don't really 'get it' (in my heart)....I know my perspective is different than God's, but sometimes I get so impatient learning to wait and listen, and in the meantime feel somewhat useless. So, what's your take? Do you get any solitude in your life? If you take joy in solitude, please share! For me it is a discipline that I am struggling with.


At 8:04 PM, Blogger Kristen said...

allo? did you get my e-mail???

At 7:11 AM, Blogger Aurora said...

I love that book! I just feel like much of my time is in books lately, to the point where I feel disconnected whether I'm around people or not.


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