Mary leaves today for Vancouver. Brandon and Dave will be eating mac&cheese and hotdogs this week!
Doug & Deb go on Vacation today. No one knows where Chris will be between work, his car, and his cell phone. Joel will either be at the family store, at the corps playing Halo, or at the Burr House making ice cream creations, and in everything, as we've come to know, he'll be praying through it all.
Denise leaves for Ontario Friday. Pray for her witness with her family, and for her mom.
Bert, Sean and Erica leave Friday for camp. They'll be playing all summer. Ryan's already there, then off to the military. Pray for them.
Sam and Charlene left already. They're enjoying the Virginia sun, soaking up the rays, and dirty diapers.
As for the rest of us...
Hooray for
VBS planning at the corps....and sermon prep.
Drama and Film camp with Charlie this afternoon. You should come!
Party tonight at the corps. We're hanging out with the camp people before they head out. (*cough, cough, Bert and Sean!)
Bowlathon is tomorrow. People actually gave me money to go bowling! Sweet deal! We're raising moneys for PowerHouse. The Drama and Film club is connected with that, as are our Monday trips (this week we went to Fort Knox, and saw a state park with a private lighthouse and a bell tower that wasn't really a tower at all!), our Sunday camp outs (at Paul Bunyan campground...they have a pool!), and random sleepovers through the summer.
Freedom Fridays continues....come to the corps and pray with me. There are girls being sold into sex slavery younger than your kid sister or my niece. I can't believe that there are actually men out there who would be so twisted to want to pay money to sleep with a child, but it's a huge 'business' out there. Disgusting.
Friday night is
Powerhouse, as always. I already told you about that, and most of you already know what it is and come and hang out. Pray for the kids that come, and for Charlie.
Pray for people to come to cell, too. Tuesday nights. my place. Except this week. Burr house. We're calling it bring a friend & food'll be good times! Jesus will be there. He's always there. Have you seen Him yet?