
Friday, April 21, 2006


Sandwich Caper was a success! We sold a whole bunch of sandwiches, dropped a few on the floor (which we ate....we never sell dirty goods!) I was on tv a few times, and had newscasters following my car as we did drop offs to a few hungry businesses...(anyone who has ever driven with me knows that having a tv crew following me on the road is probably not the best idea, but we had no mishaps anyway!) Alberta and Emily slept over and we had mad-crazy fun watching games and playing movies....or, PLAYING games and WATCHING movies....looks like I'm needing some sleep after all! Early mornings and late nights do a number on the mind workings!
It also looks as if I'll be adding a new kitty to my family of one soon, so I hope Denise likes cats, too. Gotta keep this short, and try to fit a nap in before Powerhouse tonight. Later, friends! Much Love.


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