
Monday, December 19, 2005

"there's an enemy out there"

It is still one of the tragedies of human history that the 'children of darkness' are frequently more determined and zealous than the 'children of light'. - Martin Luther King Jr.
Now, I don't normally follow politics (something I am working to change), but President Bush spoke during a press conference today, and I was suprised by some of the things he said, especially about the nature and existence of the enemy....

"we're constantly changing our tactics to meet the changing tactics of an enemy. And that's important for our citizens to understand." - President Bush

"I believe when people get the taste for freedom or see a neighbor with a taste for freedom, they will demand the same thing, because I believe in the universality of freedom. I believe everybody has the desire to be free. I recognize some don't believe that, which basically condemns some to tyranny. I strongly believe that deep in everybody's soul is the desire to live in liberty, and if given a chance, they will choose that path." - President Bush

"Now, if you don't think there's an enemy out there, then I can understand why you ought to say, just tell us all you know. I happen to know there's an enemy there. And the enemy wants to attack us."- President Bush

I am immediately reminded of our enemy, not over in Iraq or Iran, or some other country, but Satan; the father of lies; the angel of darkness. We fight a war not of flesh and blood, but against the powers, the principalities and authorities of this dark is a spiritual battle and we need to have a fighting spirit in order to win. Praise the Lord that He trains our hands for battle, so we can be found equipped for the task!


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