
Friday, December 30, 2005

Now or later...

One thing about people who own homes, is that they automatically gain a new winter hobby---SHOVELLING!

I was visiting with my best-cousin today, and while she was pumping gas into her parents' van, I noticed a snow-plow attempting to move around some piles of snow. It's been warming up in Ontario, so all the snow that's left is super wet (because it's melting) and super heavy (because it's melting). So I'm watching this truck go from drive to reverse to drive again, each time moving the pile another few inches, then backing up and going from another angle, and doing it all over again. By the time the gas was pumped, there was still a huge pile of snow blocking the parking spaces, but the guy had at least gained a little ground. What stuck out was this determination to move an obstacle that even when the work was done, would still be there at the end of the day. My first thought, was "Seriously, dude. Give it up. It's not like you're making that big of a difference, anyway."

Then I realized....WOAH! That's totally like the enemy, right there. A little seed of apathy spreads a long way, doesn't it?

This picture reminded me of what I've been battling with lately, trying to push at an obstacle that after time and time and time of switching back and forth from drive- to reverse-mode, not seeing much difference. Sometimes the thought is to simply leave the snow in the drive and just forget to care, and hope that spring comes fast so it will melt and you can finally use your driveway again.

Another thing that caught me as funny was when I was in Toronto, and it was snowing all day, and we kept passing people shovelling their walks as the snow was still falling, covering up their work. "Isn't it kind of pointless to shovel while the snow's falling? Why not wait until it's over and be sure you got it all?" To which my father said, "Maybe it's easier to move snow a little at a time than waiting until it piles up. Besides, it's easier on the back"....hmm....

Sunday, December 25, 2005


When the Israelites went to war, only those who were ready and willing to fight to the death actually went to battle. Deuteronomy 20:5-9 lays it out. If someone was engaged, bought a field or a house, or were afraid of the battle, they were sent home. God is calling for an army that is willing to FIGHT. He's provided a way out, and I don't think it's a strategy of guilt or shame, but it's a true thing.

If your family is more important than the cause you are fighting for, GO HOME.
If your posessions are more important than the battle you are grappling with, GO HOME.
If anything in your life would be considered 'unfinished business' if you died on the field today, GO HOME and GET IT DONE.

I'm tired of seeing soldiers who have entered into battle and forgotten to count the cost. There is a war going on and it is real. It is not against flesh and blood, "but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high [places]." (Eph 6:12)

There is also a training ground. It's all around you if you have eyes to see it. Victory is found in the Word, so use it. If you don't know how, ask someone who does. The war is won, but the battle is raging! Will you be a part?

Monday, December 19, 2005

"there's an enemy out there"

It is still one of the tragedies of human history that the 'children of darkness' are frequently more determined and zealous than the 'children of light'. - Martin Luther King Jr.
Now, I don't normally follow politics (something I am working to change), but President Bush spoke during a press conference today, and I was suprised by some of the things he said, especially about the nature and existence of the enemy....

"we're constantly changing our tactics to meet the changing tactics of an enemy. And that's important for our citizens to understand." - President Bush

"I believe when people get the taste for freedom or see a neighbor with a taste for freedom, they will demand the same thing, because I believe in the universality of freedom. I believe everybody has the desire to be free. I recognize some don't believe that, which basically condemns some to tyranny. I strongly believe that deep in everybody's soul is the desire to live in liberty, and if given a chance, they will choose that path." - President Bush

"Now, if you don't think there's an enemy out there, then I can understand why you ought to say, just tell us all you know. I happen to know there's an enemy there. And the enemy wants to attack us."- President Bush

I am immediately reminded of our enemy, not over in Iraq or Iran, or some other country, but Satan; the father of lies; the angel of darkness. We fight a war not of flesh and blood, but against the powers, the principalities and authorities of this dark is a spiritual battle and we need to have a fighting spirit in order to win. Praise the Lord that He trains our hands for battle, so we can be found equipped for the task!

Sunday, December 18, 2005

I've been tagged

So here's the deal: You get tagged, so you have to write out 5 annoying habits about yourself then tag 5 other people. It's kind of like a blog war, only fun and random, and has nothing to do with being lucky or winning a million dollars. So here's my five:

I can't stop myself from singing....ever

My new favourite logic game is Sudoku...what can I say, it's addictive!

I tend to sigh when I hug people(thanks for pointing that out to me, Nicole!)

I like to take the opposite standpoint of whoever's making a point (It's the annoying baby sister in me!)

dancing in front of mirrors...let's leave that one alone!

I tagged Jonathan, Rebekah, Travis, Jamie, and Jerrica.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005


Ever since coming to Bangor I've been sleeping in a lot. The first instinct I had was to feel guilty for wasting time, but then I was reminded about the command to 'REST'. Now, I don't plan on sleeping my life away, but it is an interesting thing to switch from alarm clocks and schedules, to allowing yourself to wake up when your body tells you it's ready to wake up. Other days I've not been able to sleep because my mind kept on racing, or God brought something or someone to mind that I needed to pray for.
The world would like to tell us that we need to push ourselves to stupid measures in order to fulfill a task list, and once we learn to accomplish that list of tasks, than we can add more tasks to that list in order to learn to be more efficient. Re-learning how to rest reminds us that we are human. We are not computerized task-masters, created to facilitate a single function, but are social creatures complete with emotional, spiritual, and physical needs.

"Come unto me all you who labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest" Matthew 11:28

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Winona LaDuke

We went to hear Winona LaDuke speak at U of Maine tonight on her community in Minnesota on the White Earth reserve. She spoke this afternoon about her community in relation to environmental issues, contrasting simple family teaching (like don't steal, clean up your mess before you make a new one, etc) with American politics....OUCH! Later on tonight, she spoke more specifically about sacred sites in Native tradition versus the American tradition of 'conquering'....VERY poignant. (Especially points about naming places....great comment about "I have a big problem with this whole thing about naming a big mountain after a small man" and listed a number of places that have been named after people responsible for genocides of native peoples throughout history...big OUCH!)

Another great thought was the teaching of her people that before a decision is to be made in Aboriginal tradition, one must think about the effects that decision will have on the people seven generations from now...she talks about how America, the richest nation in the world, has people living in extreme poverty, how most of them are Native, and how the people in her community are fighting to retain the natural resources -or at least what is left of them- in order to be able to generate a self-sufficient economy with less waste etc etc.

Anyway,I saw a lot in her to be very similar to the bloodline of early Salvos; determined to see justice happen now, to see the promises of eternity acted out on earth, and is digging into the spiritual roots of her people and willing to fight to keep hope alive for the next generations. And to see how God's responded to her prayers,! If you hear this woman's in town, go and listen. She has a lot of things we need to hear.