
Monday, July 18, 2005

Obedience, confession, transparency....freedom!

Have you ever had one of those dreams where you go to school naked, or go to work and forget your pants or some other important piece of clothing? The past few nights, I've been having really disturbing dreams about being naked and trying to shop for clothes, only because I'm naked I don't have any money (or any pockets to put money) and I'm in these stores packed with people and trying to find something that will cover me up without giving me away that I've got nothing to buy these clothes with. It stinks. It's uncomfortable, embarrassing, and there's no way to hide behind anyone, so I just keep walking around the store, trying to look oblivious to the fact of my situation, and hoping no one around me will notice either. The only problem is that nakedness is glaringly obvious to a clothed culture.
It's true in every culture that there are certain attributes to the human figure that are considered beautiful, and are therefore accentuated by the way they dress; lips, ears, eyes, ankles, neck, hips, hair.... There are also areas that we hide; rolls, fat, scars, skin 'defects', pimples, warts, fungus, dandruff, poop, etc...the truth is, however, that everyone has their good side and their bum side. Nakedness is the leveling ground.

Sometimes 'getting naked' in a spiritual sense means letting people see the not-so-nice parts of our personality as well as the good points. I've always appreciated the raw honesty of people who are not afraid to say "You know what? I'm mad at you right now. That was really annoying. When you said this, it really hurt me." Not speaking to hurt other people, but in order to get truth out, and cut the crap.

"Surely You desire truth in the inner parts; you teach me wisdom in the inmost place." Psalm 51:6

"SEARCH me O god, and know my heart; TEST me and know my anxious thoughts. SEE if there is any offensive way in me and lead me in the way everlasting." Psalm 139:23,24


At 3:04 PM, Blogger YOU DONT KNOW MEEEeeee said...

its funny though, that we when start to get nekked, other people do too. because not only does it make it easier- but it causes them to be honest when i say "im hurting" they say- "wow, i cant even be honest with god" theres transparency- yknow? and its beautiful. nekkedness is GREAT!
its like...on rugrats. tommy kept getting nekked and he says...
"nekky is good. nekky is great. nekky is FREE!"
there are a lot of preaching points in rugrats.

At 8:19 AM, Blogger Tara Ayer said...

Hmm...that ALMOST sounded like a personal testimony.


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