
Monday, October 16, 2006

partly because of a new course I'm working on, partly because a lack of positive things to say, or deep insights to life, partly because of doing stuff for the auction, partly due to weekends away, and partly due to a growing addiction to online games and my pillow!

Today I am $300 in the hole...mostly from becoming lazy and not paying attention to when money was coming in or going out properly.
Yesterday I tried to help clean an apartment, but she didn't want to throw out any of her collected items. She has to sleep on the street, but would rather do that than part with any of her 'things'. What kind of a society have we created where people latch on to stuffed animals and children's car seats over staying in from the cold at night? So frustrating.
I'm not talking a little bit of clutter, here. I'm talking floor to cieling, boxes on boxes, shelves on shelves, and toys on toys of STUFF. I've seen this before. A six-person household in Toronto living in a two-bedroom apartment. The family was going to lose their children because they were hoarding so much stuff. In Vancouver, the same thing. In Bangor, the same thing. Looking at our family's basement, it was the same thing again. What's the deal with possession? Why do we feel the need to keep grasping hold of stuff until the stuff strangles us out of house home and family? Isn't this just the same as gluttony, alchoholism, or drug addiction? There truly IS too much of a good thing.

The biggest thing I think that is lacking in our corps, what I crave, is simply community. The idea of house churches, and living together with other Christians, giving to whoever has a need, the whole Acts 2:42 lifestyle.
I think it's easy to distance ourselves from eachother, to keep our lives sectioned into our little orderly pieces, or hide from eachother. One of the people I feel closest to in my life is my mom. The reason why, is that she's seen me at all hours of the day, in all kinds of moods, and still cheers me on from the sidelines and loves me despite myself.
I think part of the reason injustice exists is because of this whole sectionalizing dehumanizing thing....out of sight, out of mind. But if we are truly living in community, there cannot be injustice, because
It's easy to smile and 'be happy' for one hour a week on a sunday morning, but letting those same people get to know your little ideosynchrocies (big word, and probably not spelled anywhere near right) and get to love other people for their idiosyncraseez (try #2, probably worse than the first!) is a whole different story. When someone preaches a hard word on tithing or sexual immorality, people run from the church because they feel like they've been 'found out' so they keep their distance for a while until new officers come in, who will give them the open arms without the accountability.


At 8:51 PM, Blogger Denise said...

Good to see you blog again.

I encourage you to look around and walk into the arms of the people there who love you so very much. Community is all around...



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