
Friday, September 01, 2006

Living Worship

A buddy of mine once shared with me a verse he was trying to dig into that, every year, he asks God for a verse to be his focus for that year. SO I figured I'd try one on for size. This year for me, it's John 4:24. "God is spirit, and His worshippers must worship Him in Spirit and in Truth." So, I'm thinking God wants to teach me a little about worship.
Worship is more than the songs we sing on a sunday or a midweek service. Worship is more than saying some nice memorized prayer. This I know, but do I live it?
Worship is life, and life is worship. If the words I speak don't match up to the life I live, than my worship is empty. It's just religion. But if I live out my faith every day, looking for ways to glorify God in every aspect of my life, THAT'S what worship is. This I know, but do I live it?
Worship means to literally "prostrate oneself" or "bow down low", humility is a part of worship. I can't force people to go where I want them to go, or do what I want them to do. (Wouldn't life be so much easier that way? But then who gets to say who's the one who tells everyone else what to do?)
Deb laughed at me the other day because I told her there was a time when I didn't speak up most of you know, I love to have my voice heard. But if all I'm doing with that voice is ranting and raving about how I would do things better, and yet all I do is sit on my butt and criticize the people who are actually doing something, than what good am I? Wouldn't it be much better for me to offer a hand and help out the person in charge by doing some small task for them and lighten their load a little? Yes, I know, but do I live it?


At 9:08 PM, Blogger Kristen said...

Interesting thoughts... at school there is a board out in front of the chapel that lists the times of "Worship" and that always struck me a odd - you can schedule a "liturgy" which literally means "of the people"... readings, hymns, psalms sermon... that can have a set time - but worship? how do you schedule that?

Take a look at many churches - you'll see the same thing "worship service schedule" hmm.....


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