
Sunday, March 19, 2006


Some days you know God is using you, and other days you simply feel used....on those days, you know it's time to SNAP OUT OF IT!!!
Psalm 78 and Romans 1 remind us how quickly we forget our place. We assault God with our selfish prayers for Him to prosper us and make us happy. We are more concerned with feeling good than seeing God work out His righteousness on the earth. We'd rather have a warm and fuzzy feeling than really enter into and share in the sufferings of Christ. When did Jesus ever say 'believe in me and everything will be swell?' When did Jesus ever say "Do whatever makes you happy"...NO!!
He said "Take up your CROSS and follow me." He said "Anyone who loves his father or mother more than me is not worthy of me." He said "You WILL find persecution." "I am sending you out as sheep among wolves." "Sell everything you have and give it to the poor." Disciples who kept even a small portion for themselves were cast out of the community for their deceit. Rich men went away sad. Religious leaders plotted his death and succeeded. He shared his life with the poor, the outcasts, the criminals. He wasn't even very good-looking. So what makes this Jesus guy so worth following? Why do you care about Jesus? Do you? (obviously, I haven't snapped out of it yet)


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