
Sunday, February 27, 2005

So this is the end of reading week. Back to the grind. I was chatting with a friend today, trying to help her not get sucked in to negative attitudes, and when I finished our time together, found that some of HER negative attitude had rubbed off on me...then I started wondering, what's the point in ministering to eachother if all we're doing is passing off eachother's junk onto eachother? Because we're not supposed to simply pass off eachother's junk...we're supposed to GIVE IT ALL to Jesus, who erases it and forgets it...Rather than taking on someone else's negative attitude, to take on the attitude of Christ. (Easier said than done sometimes, but then what's the joy in having everything handed to you on a silver platter, anyway?)
Hmm, attitude of Christ. A good thing to be carrying as ammunition in this war...Collosians 3:3 says "But now you died to yourself and are hidden with Christ in God". So if we take on the attitude of Christ, if we walk in HIS ways, and in HIS steps, than we are hidden IN Him.
1 Corinthians talks about being regarded as "men sent by God". Sometimes we shy away from being identified with Christ because we may reflect poorly on Him. But if we always identify ourselves as God sees us, than we are constantly being reminded of who we are to be becoming in likeness to--Jesus Christ himself. We are to be "new creations", "a holy people set apart for the Lord". Lord, make me new, please.


At 9:44 PM, Blogger Tara Ayer said...

That's a good word. I really need to find that hiding place as I spent a day walking through some thick junk.

At 10:05 AM, Blogger Seeker of The Light said...

Yeah, doesn't the saying go "one bad apple spoils the whole bunch?" Sin pulls down and destroys. Only God can pull us up in the midst of the downward drag. Good attitude!


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